Sunday, January 14, 2007


IDEA 5216 01/14/07 Version 2.05 25

A eBook of essays and journals by David W Coon

Volume 1

This eBooks is a complation of essays.


What is this book about? This book is a collection of essays and journals covering a diverse range of topics. I explore everything from the effects of capitalisms on the poor, to need means of transportation systems for the rich.

It is my intention to change they way you think about the world. I encourage you to think for your self. Take a look around. Is there anything that you see is wrong with the world around you? Do you think that the system that you living in is fair and just? Do you think that it is fair that one person is allowed to make millions of dollars, while there are homeless people in the streets begging for pocket change from people so they can get something to eat?

In the world that we live in, why is there so much inequality? Is there no other way? Do we have to do things the way that they have always been done.

What I am suggesting is that we try some changes. If the first thing that we try, if it does not work, lets try something else. I am going to week trying until I am satisfied with the world around me. And I invite you to do the same. Please do not take everything that I am suggesting as concrete. These are just ideas to get the ball rolling. I also encourage you to write down your ideas about what you would like to see changed. You are invited to email me your ideas, and I will do my best to get them out there for everyone to read. This is not just my work, I want this to be the work of everyone who is unhappy with the inequality of the system.

PLEASE do not think that the way things are now is the only way for it to be. I believe that we as a people, living in a democracy in the most powerful country in the world have control over our lives. Everything is always changing, I want to see things change in the favor of the majority.

I can not do this alone. I need your help. So start thinking of your ideas on how to change the world.


Hello everyone, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my new book. As you may already know, this book is in a series of three books. I encourage you to take a look at all three because they are all related.

Writing is the most powerful form of communication in the world. Writing is what sets us apart from every other living creature and organism in the world.

By Writing your ideas and giving it out to other people to read, you are literally changing your reader’s brain chemistry. So write about good things, write about love, write about ways to make the world a better place.

Please write down what you think.


Essay Topic


What is Democracy?


The Structural Organization of Poverty


Traffic Patterns: An essay about modern traffic problems and some simple solutions.


City Structure: What is good and what is outdated


Ownership: what it is all about


An argument for the immediate legalization of all drugs


Social Exchange re-analyzed


The Law of Attraction


Rubber Bullet Theory


Water for sale?


Land Desirability


The Revolution




The Internet Google and Wikipedia


Socialism Explained in a manner that everyone can understand


God or Science



Weapons: Gun are for killing


Social Security


“What is Democracy?”

Definition, implications, actual use of

Is there any other way?

Other Topics

“Traffic Patterns: An essay about modern traffic problems and some simple solutions.”

-A few thoughts about traffic and congestion

“An argument for the immediate legalization of all drugs”

-with the interest of liberty and freedom, why can I not do what I want with my body?

Argument supported by the Harm Principle

“Rubber Bullet Theory”

-What is everyone carried around a hand gun loaded with rubber bullets? How would this affect society and conflicts between people? What if you were allowed to shoot people that did you wrong? What if police used rubber bullets? There would be no need for hesitation. You could shoot anyone, it would not kill them, it would only disable them temporally.

“The Structural Organization of Poverty”

within the current bounds of our society, there are structural obstacles that prevent the majority of people in poverty from moving out and up in social class.

Not only is this system not fair, and it is very disproportional to people in poverty that are not white men. This system is a waste of human potential. How many great people are lost because of this system of inequality. There is so much potential for these people, they are just never given a chance.

This system will not do. I will not tolerate this system anymore. I am going to do something to change it.
According the US Census, there are nearly 40 million people living in poverty. I am going to use the power of this many people to change the system. If 40 million people got together and said that we as a group are not going to take it anymore, the rest of society will not be able to stop them.

What these people need is a leader. Some one who cares about them. This leader is going to have to be me. I will organize the masses of the common good of the society.

“Ownership: what it is all about”

Why should people be concerned with ownership? What does other people’s ownership of land or assets have to do with you.

“City Structure: What is good and what is outdated”

Water fountains are outdated.

much more to come...

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