Sunday, January 14, 2007

Graph-Time Theory

GTT 2115 Version 2.03 01/14/07 30 Pages


Theory of Graph-Time 2

Second Edition


It is hard to draw of picture of something infinite. It is also hard to draw a picture of something that I have never seen in its entirety. So I have to rely on abstract thought of what I think the universe looks like. Nobody really knows what the entire universe looks like, except God. So what is graph-time theory? Its must be something good if someone wrote a whole book on it. Graph-Time Theory graphs outs patterns in the universe, analyses the trends and makes future predictions based on past events. Everything can be graphed. By graphing long periods of time, in contrast to short periods of time, one can begin to understand that lasting impact of certain events. As you read this book, there are a few words that you should keep in mind. This will help you understand the unique language of this book. This is a scientific study.

Critical time

A period that time speeds up or slows down:

a period that changes the direction on the graph

Critical point

A moment that changes the direction


The smallest unit of time, direct physical contact


Events cause trends. Trends are common

Outcomes of events.

Size of thinking

How are into the future is someone thinking at a

given time. Represents education.


A statement that is true, before truth can be

determined, it has decided as truth by the

majority. In this case, the scientific community.


A general trend of upward movement in the graphs.


The representative categories generalize to


Time as a

dimension of


In all the graphs, I use time as the dimension of

Size. This will be explained thought out the book.


By Dave W

Hello everyone. I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my new book. I have to be honest. I gathered the materials for and wrote this book in less the two months. I truly believe that you can change the speed that time moves by changing the way you think about time and the universe. I have been using every waking hour to the fullest for the last few months, I have been doing nothing but writing, studying, learning and dreaming. I believe that I have something really amazing to offer the world. This is the just beginning of what I am going to accomplish. Every book that I write from now on, (I should be writing a book every few months or so for the next couple of years) is going to explain my way of thinking so you can think big too. I want you to be able to think about the world in your own way. I am trying to open your mind up to new possibilities you never knew existed before. Is that not the reason that anyone reads in the first place? So I try to make my books entertaining (good presentation) as well as educational. I only write non-fiction. I do not make anything up (completely, I try to stay within reality). So if you like my writing and you would like to read more, please let me know. I am always available for comments from anyone of any kind. I can always be contacted at Send me a message even if you want to just say ‘hi’. So please enjoy this book, and I hope you learn something for it. I hope to have your attention again in my next book. A Book of Essays and Journals by Dave W coming soon

Statement of Universal Law
How long something takes to happen and its lasting effect on the Universe is directly proportional to its size and time continuum. Big events, such as the creation of the Universe takes a long time compared to our understanding of time, but it happens in an instant in it’s spectrum.

Time and space are infinite in nature. From our perspective (people), all of time is relative to ourselves. Days and years only measure our time in this space. Earth seems to be limited to this size and time, as humans we are too limited to this one size and time, however the human mind is actually the same size as the universe. The mind is just as infinite as the universe, including all of space and time. The Universe in a Moment 1,000 years or one second, any amount of time is just a moment in the Universe. This is what Graph Time Theory is all about (now referred to as GTT). The time span is always the X- axis. The Y-axis is the size. Statements of Laws Six Theorems of to be truths

Theorem 1:
Size is proportional to time from the perspective of an individual person or event.

Theorem 2:
Everything is relative to the spectrum of size in which the event takes place.

Theorem 3:
Education and Universal Enlightenment increase size and time.

Theorem 4:
Universal Alignment is subjective to an individual’s own education and universal understanding.

Size of thinking -> expressed in the goals and aspirations of an individual or group.

Theorem 5:
Past events are connected to the future events that they are affected by. By studying the past events and how they affect the universe, graph extrapolation can accurately predict the future contact points.

Theorem 6:
Every event is triggered by a single or a series of instant contact points. An instant contact point is one moment in time that directly affects the events that follow it. Represented in trends in the graphs.

Fundamental principles of the Universe

1) Cooperation to the groups end is more beneficial to the groups, instead of working for the benefit of individual ends.

2) Absolutely no discrimination of any kind

3) Equality and fairness and justice for everyone. I will be specific this time because that last time people wrote it, there was some confusion. EVERYONE. White, black, male, female, whatever.

4) Everyone has the right to Food, water and housing. Right to Live This is extremely important. Currently the right to individual ownership is important, but it should not be. Own part of something public.

5) General principles of the Law of Attraction apply to everything in the universe.

6) Graph theory can be applied to everything!

7) Time is moving faster then ever for me NOW. Much faster then before I started to peak. I can do more work now in a shorter period of time. Time can get compress by thinking.

8) All space is the same. Space only interacts on it’s immediate surroundings. The bigger the space is, the more it interacts with the environment that it is in. This ranges from bacteria to small animals (squirrels) to people to weather patterns, to cosmic events to the universe. Everything has to travel in a path to get to something else.

9) Everything is a matter of time. How much time? How much time do you have? Group payment theory: when people work together, they can accomplish more for the group. I can prove this with Graph Theory. So shouldn’t everyone work together for the common good? Everyone being the society. Isn’t that what the government should be doing? Or should they protect private business, and let they continue to control a system that supports inequality? My company is going to fix this problem. And it is funny that a capitalist company is going to end capitalism in the world. Socialism is the future, when you want to believe it or now. Because it is what the majority wants, whether they know it or not, the are all trained to think that the crappy system we have now is the only way it can be. For the past this is true, but for the future, it is not. Now is the time to start to make thoses changes. Now is when we can start to work together for the good of all.
One person can change the world. I guess that person has to be me because I don’t see anyone else doing anything. Time speeds up in times of pressure. More things can be done in shorter time period.

The Future: Most people think that the future is unwritten, or is ours to be written. Is it not possible to predict the future by studying the past? I think I can, I and I think that I have. The future is no differently put together then the way it is now. It is no different except that is has not happened yet. By graphing the past, and understanding what events and critical impact points are, why wouldn’t the same patterns apply to the future? Should remain true in the future is if was true in the past. So you can predict the future, but only to a certain extent. I have the power to understand the past and I think that can use it to accurately predict the future. Obviously, there are unpredictable events, but the average must still come true. A prediction range can but 99% certainty into a prediction if it stays with in 3 standard deviations from the mean. And by believing that the future will happen that way, you start to do stuff to make it happen that way. So believe in your own predictions of the future. Think about the future the way that you want it. This connects with the law of attraction.

More to Come....

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